List of Articles in Publications

Showing 521-526 of 526 items.
Article TitlePublication NameAuthors
Fluorescence and dynamics studies of dye-biomolecule interaction in the nano-colloidal systemsJournal of Molecular structureA Rahdar, H Najafi-Ashtiani, E Sanchooli
Low temperature processing of BaTiO3-PMMA-PVP hybrid films as transparent dielectric gateJournal of Materials Science: Materials in ElectronicsHamed Najafi-Ashtiani
Transparent Conductive Dielectric-Metal-Dielectric Structures for Electrochromic Applications Fabricated by High-Power Impulse Magnetron SputteringACS Applied Materials & InterfacesHamed Najafi-Ashtiani, Behnam Akhavan, Fengjuan Jing, Marcela M. Bilek
Effect of mass fraction of water nanodroplet and water content on the localization location of dye within microemulsionJournal of Color Science and TechnologyA. Rahdar , A. Moradi Kor , H. Najafi-Ashtiani
The effect of different surface morphologies on WO3 and WO3-Au gas-sensors performanceJournal of Materials Science: Materials in ElectronicsHamed Najafi-Ashtiani
Ranked-based sensitivity analysis for size optimization of structuresJournal of Mechanical DesignB Dizangian - MR Ghasemi