List of Articles in Conferences

Showing 141-148 of 148 items.
Paper TitleConference TitleEvent PlaceAuthors
Maximum covering location model in project control problem5th Iranian Conference on Applied MathematicsHamedanNarjes Sabeghi, Hamed Reza Tareghian
Generalized maximum covering location model in project control problem11th International Conference on Computational Management ScienceLisbonNarjes Sabeghi, Hamed Reza Tareghian, Erik Demeulemeester
Determining the timing of project control points using a probabilistic location model10th International conference of Iranian operations research societyBabolsarNarjes Sabeghi, Mehdi Toloo
Showing the impact of processes improvements on the performance of Khorasan Regional Electricity Company (Mashhad, Iran) using the six sigma strategy29th European Conference on Operational ResearchValenciaNarjes Sabeghi, Khatere Gorbani-Moghadam, Ladan Behroozi, Hamid Reza Yousefzadeh
Entropy maximization based on generalized Gini indexThe 2nd workshop on information measures and their applicationsFerdowsi University of MashhadAli Khosravi Tanak and Gholamreza Mohtashami Borzadaran
Entropy maximization based on generalized Gini indexThe 2nd workshop on information measures and their applicationsFerdowsi University of MashhadAli Khosravi Tanak and Gholamreza Mohtashami Borzadaran
Tuning contrivances of graphene Nano-ribbon based mid-infrared band-pass filterElectrical Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on, 220-223MashhadA Tavousi-MA Mansouri-Birjandi-M Janfaza
Graphene Nano-Ribbon Assisted FabryProt Resonator Based Mid-Infrared Bandpass FilterThe 24th Iranian Optics and Photonics Conference and the 10th Iran Photonics Engineering and Technology ConferenceShahrekordA Tavousi, M Janfaza, MA Mansouri-Birjandi