Coverage of the Indian Cricket Team in World Cup 2011 by The Times of India: A Content Analysis

Page number1-15
Volume number2
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2015/10/1
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIndia


Spreading the word about Indian Cricket Team and its performance in World Cup 2011,India’s most read English daily(Times of India) definitely did its job. From first week of February till first week of April, there were large spaces devoted to the details of Indian Cricketteam, the matches it played, performance of the players, the game strategies team applied on the field as well as the nation’s expectations from each player. Besides, whereas columnists and analysts were busy in lambasting the teams participating in Cricket World Cup 2011, photojournalists were adding new hues to this saga by clicking heart-touching moments.   This study tries to focus (quantitatively and qualitatively) on the coverage of Indian Cricket Team in World Cup 2011. Times of India, India’s most read English daily newspaper has been selected for the study with the aim to assess the role of print media in creating awareness regarding an important sports event.   Sample includes the entire duration of World Cup 2011 i.e. from February 19, 2011 to April 2; 2011.The comparative qualitative approach would involve use of photographs, quotes of reliable sources like sports analysts, former captains etc. and other effective media employed by the newspaper.

  Key Words:-Cricket world cup, Indian Cricket Team, game strategies, Times of India, newspaper

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tags: -Cricket world cup, Indian Cricket Team, game strategies, Times of India, newspaper